Experience a historical day with us!

We would like to invite you to a unique day for all who wish to immerse themselves in Jane Austen's world for a moment: Picnic - Performance - Party, all in period costume, if you wish, in authentic historical surroundings of an empire-style country manor, Čechy pod Kosířem near Olomouc.

The event is organized by the Jane Austen CZ Society in co-operation with the Čechy pod Kosířem Château.



* 10:00 Dance workshop
* 13:00 Picnic in the château park, 
carriage rides
* 16:30 Group photo
* 17:00 Soirée
* 18:30 Dinner
* 19:30 Regency Ball

>> Dance tickets for this year's event are already sold out. You can attend the picnic in the chateau park free of charge. We look forward to seeing you at some of our future events. <<

There are 2 types of tickets:

* Day Ticket: a ticket for the whole programme includes: the dance workshop, picnic afternoon, themed programme in the chateau and the Empire Ball. The price is 600 CZK in pre-sale, 650 CZK on the spot.

* Evening Ball Ticket: A ticket for those who cannot attend the whole event but wish to be present at the ball. Price is 480 CZK in pre-sale, 550 CZK on the spot.

To receive further information about the event, enter your e-mail here to receive the newsletter.

N.B. - If you find the programme attractive but you are unable or unwilling to participate in period dress, please do not be discouraged and come anyway! The whole event is aimed to be a pleasant cultural experience for all those involved.

These pages will be updated with the latest information. You can also follow the preparations of the event on our Facebook event page. If you have any questions, you can contact us by e-mail at info@janeausten.cz

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are looking forward to welcoming you!



Dance Workshop
10:00 - 12:30, Chateau conservatory or outdoors

Participants will learn the basics of English country dances in an informal setting. The dances will then be used during evening ball. Comfortable informal clothing suitable for dancing is sufficient for the workshop. Shoes are best with a flat sole or only a small heel.
The dances are simple and require no previous dance training. They mostly use an ordinary walking or skipping step, thus all ages can handle them and even those with no previous dance experience will soon grasp the basic elements.

13:00, Chateau park

Picnic from your own resources or pre-paid picnic packages picked up on the spot. In case of inclement weather the picnic will take place inside the conservatory.

During the afternoon, you can also take a tour of the chateau, enjoy a ride in a historical carriage through the park or join period lawn games.

Group photo
16:45, Main staircase

17:00, Chateau hall

Our afternoon programme is different every year; each year we choose a different period theme to explore and experience. On this occasion, we have been thinking about how to celebrate this year's significant milestone: one way is to enjoy the richness and diversity of just you, all the participants who come together and make Emporium Day what it is. 

Therfore, we are offering the opportunity for all of you to create an afternoon programme with us, just as people created entertainment in the Regency era at house gatherings and social events: there was usually some sort of soirée where those in attendance performed a song, recited a poem, played a musical instrument, gave an artistic reading, and so on. Now we want to give this opportunity to you. 

Everything is completely voluntary, of course - we want this to be an enjoyable occasion for everyone, performers and audience alike. 
Please register your performance by 30 April 2024. Then we will put together the whole soirée. Ideally, the performances should adhere to the period, i.e. be from the first half of the 19th century.

18:30, Chateau conservatory

To give all participants a moment to sit back and gain strenth for the ball, dinner will be served directly at the ball venue. A selection of warm dishes will be available; your chosen meal will be included in your pre-paid ticket.

Regency Ball
19:30, Chateau conservatory

The day will culminate with a grand Ball, where all the day’s participants will meet and experience the wonderful atmosphere of the Regency period, when the broad strata of society of the picturesque English countryside used to meet on the dance floor.
Each dance will first be repeated explanation / repetition, and the dances will also be “called” while in progress. Most dances are relatively simple and are therefore manageable with basic dance knowledge. However, we recommend that participants who are completely new and have no experience with English country dancing take part in the morning dance lesson so that they can fully enjoy the dancing in the evening.

What to wear

If you decide to travel in time on this day of experiences, period attire will undoubtedly help you to feel in place. Here is some brief information about the style of the period in which you will find yourself or you can look at the photos in our PHOTOGALLERY.

You can find inspiration for your costume for example in the gallery of Jane Austen CZ events.

Given the style of the day, ladies should find it possible to put together a costume from their own resources, and a gentleman in a normal suit with a silk scarf instead of a tie will not be denied access either. :-)

Please note: If you find the programme attractive but you are unable or unwilling to participate in period dress, do not be discouraged and come anyway! The whole event is aimed to be a pleasant cultural experience for all those involved.

How to get to the venue

The chateau is located 70 km from Brno and 22 km from Olomouc, about 20 minutes drive from the exit of the motorway D46.

You can of course also get there by public transport – by coach from Brno, Prostějov and Olomouc.

If you travel by car, you can use a large parking area near the chateau.


We have identified the following options for budget accommodation for participants from outside Olomouc. You can book at your own discretion for one or two nights. All are located ca. 5-10 minutes walk from the venue, so it should be possible to get there during the day to change, drop off your picnic basket etc.

* Municipal sports hall, Čechy pod Kosířem A new sports hall with facilities; lodging in your own sleeping bag + mat, 50, - CZK/pp/night. Reservations through the main booking form.

* Penzion Mánes, Čechy pod Kosířem
Six en-suite rooms and larger dormitory rooms.

* Penzion Majorka, Lázně Slatinice
A nearby spa with several kinds of accommodation.

More upscale accommodation is of course available in Prostějov and Olomouc.


Looking back...


While looking forward to the upcoming event, you can enjoy the PHOTOGALLERY from the first and second Empire Days in blossoming Olomouc or from last year's edition in Čechy pod Kosířem.

The nearest 'English' events can be found on the website of the organiser, Jane Austen CZ.

We look forward to making your acquaintance!

Watch the following video from our previous ‘Jane Austen’ events for inspiration: